“Health is the result of balance between movement and food as well as between the environment and personal behavior.” Hippocrates.
The human body is a complex organic system. Many times we see treatments fail or not have the therapeutic result we expected although we might have used the appropriate therapy means (homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, acupressure etc.) in the best possible way. The reason for that is the effect of several basic parameters which form a personal way of life, which, if not revised, it will be difficult to let health improve.
The importance of diet with regard to a good quality of life is rather indisputable. It should be noted that what matters is not simply how much or what we eat but also how and when we eat it. We receive a lot of information about the first two, but not these last two. The truth is that further than quantity and quality, what is critical concerning absorbance of nutrients is our concentration while eating, that is our focus on the food we are eating, without being simultaneously involved in other things, such as watching TV, or working on a laptop etc.
Additionally, our calmness during a meal contributes to the digestive capability of the stomach. Taking three deep and slow breaths right before our meal, helps discard any tension and stress and focus on food with a calm spirit. As far as timing is concerned, according to Chinese Medicine, the best time for breakfast is 7:00-11:00 am, for lunch 13:00-15:00 at noon and for dinner 19:00-20:00 in the evening, since the functioning of the stomach is reduced during night hours.
Movement is intertwined to life itself. The same way running water never stagnates, human body requires movement. Anything that remains still for long loses its vitality and eventually disintegrates. Hard exercise makes muscles contract, compresses the joints and makes the breath shallow, thus reducing the amount of inhaled oxygen and exhaled carbon dioxide. Soft exercise requires deep, diaphragmatic breathing, which oxygenates blood and the tissues as they focus on the extension of muscles and tendons and relaxation of the joints. Any kind of soft exercise that is not stressful to the heart and does not cause shallow breathing is beneficial, since it boosts the flow of body fluids. Beneficial may even be the combination of hard and soft exercise, so that the body can relax following intensive effort.
Sleep is an immensely valuable part of our daily life, as it provides the body with the time necessary to repair the damages incurred during the day and replenish all the energy consumed for daily activities. In accordance with the solar clock, it is better to go to sleep earlier during winter time, while in the summer the abundance of sun light naturally extends the time we go to bed.
Lack of sleep can cause many diseases while disempowering the whole organism, affecting appetite, digestion and the ability to work. A good preparation for a deep and calm sleep may include a hot bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil, massaging the head or feet with sesame oil, meditation focusing on the breath for a few moments, or even keeping a diary where we can put down any events, emotions and thoughts of the day as a way to discharge and surrender to sleep most peacefully.
The term includes the space around us, that is, our home but also the atmosphere, natural environment, climatic conditions, pollution. It also includes the people around us, in our family of work environment, as well as their behavior’s impact, positive or negative, on us.
Living in a clean and beautiful environment, preferably near nature, with people who love and respect us, creates a sense of calmness which can also influence other aspects of our lives.
Way of thinking
The way we see things, i.e. our set of beliefs, is of fundamental importance, although we may tend to oversee that, maybe because it is the one thing which is the most difficult to control. It is all about an automatic programming of thoughts, which has been formed as early as childhood and follows us through adulthood, thus shaping our world. Since our world is built from the inside out, the best way to improve our reality is to spot our sabotaging beliefs through psychotherapy and transform them.
Our body constitutes the carrier of our soul, the vehicle that bears us throughout our journey on this planet. So we ought to honor and take care of it the way it actually deserves.
“The Tao of Detox, The secrets of Yang-Sheng Dao”, Daniel Reid
“Ayurveda, Nature’s Medicine” Dr.Frawely and Dr.Ranade
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