Digestive system problems keep increasing nowadays. Indigestion, bloating and belching express some mild disorder of the digestive system, while in cases of more severe conditions there appear inflammatory lesions of various degrees, i.e. ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. The value of proper functioning of the digestive system is rather invaluable, since it is through it that the absorbance of nutrients, the expulsion of toxins, the transformation of food to energy and its distribution in the whole body take place in order for the biochemical needs of the cells to be met. In addition, 80% of the immune system cells are produced in the digestive tube. As a consequence, any malfunction of the digestive system shall result in a less potent immune system.
A., is a 21-year-old man. He was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease 8 months ago.
The symptoms, which were actually very intense, appeared during his military service, when, as he says, he experienced a lot of stress trying to be perfect, never be late etc. Vomiting and diarrhea led to weight loss of 25 kg within 2.5 months.
He was not immediately diagnosed, so he did not start a corticosteroid treatment right from the beginning. When he came to visit me, he was already on medication, however his bowel evacuations were still not well regulated; they were fewer bill still diarrheic. Besides, it should be noted that corticosteroids create some kind of disease abatement but cannot cure the disease.
Going deeper in the patient’s personality portrait, what stands out is that according to his own words, he never gets insulted or sad. He almost never fights-he cannot recall what the last time was- but even if he does he does not bother at all. On the other hand, he says that he gets sad when he sees someone being deprived of money or having a serious disease. His parents describe him as shy, quiet and obliging.
From the study on the patient’s history, the appropriate homeopathic remedy was selected and was given to A. once. Right away, from the first days that followed, A. noticed that his feces had regained they normal composition and that the bowel sounds he often had, had stopped.
Homeopathy with a Homeopathy therapist in Athens is an energy therapy, which means that restoration of the deeper balance in the organism immediately affects the physical level of existence. However we should not forget that an organism such as A.’s, who had had intestinal ulcers for so long, needs some kind of reinforcement in a purely biochemical level. It is true that the mechanism generating the disease was disarmed through Homeopathy treatment; however the cellular level losses need to be replenished. In most cases of ulcers in the ileum, vitamin B12 is difficult to be properly absorbed, since this is the exact area where its absorbance takes place. This was true also in A.’s case, so a vitamin B12 supplement was recommended.
Vitamin B12 is of great importance both for the proper function of the neural system as for the blood making process. Also, his total cholesterol levels were very low, due to the fact that frequent diarrhea prohibited its absorption. Therefore, I recommended the addition of good fat in his diet, such as organic butter, meat broth, eggs, avocado and nuts.
Cholesterol is a fundamental component of cellular membranes and it is necessary for the production of many hormones and also vitamin D. Probiotics were also prescribed, in order to restore gut microbiota.
For the past year and a half, A., following the above recommendations, has been at a very good state of health, without any digestive system problems. His improvement is confirmed by his inflammation levels through his blood tests and also by the colonoscopies results.
The combination of Homeopathy with the appropriate dietary recommendations and respective supplements constitutes a truly holistic therapy approach in cases of intestinal inflammatory diseases.