Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), also called spastic colitis, is a kind of functional disorder where the rhythm of contraction of the muscular fibers of the intestinal wall is different than normal. It is a kind of disorder that usually appears to one out of five people at some point in life, usually commencing at the decade between 20 and 30 years of age, while it affects women twice as it does men.
Its classic symptoms are belly-ache, bloating, gas and diarrhea or constipation, which may alternate.
Cause of this syndrome may sometimes be certain food allergies. Many patients notice some kind of connection between a number of food categories and irritable bowel syndrome, as their consumption can cause an increased severity of the symptoms. There are such indications around numerous foods such as spices, fats, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, dairy, sodas and alcohol.
What is more, sometimes an acute gastroenteritis can ignite the irritable bowel syndrome.
Stress has also been identified as a major factor of aggravation, since most people suffering from IBS observe an outbreak of symptoms during times of increased stress in their life. The communication between the brain and the intestines is a field of intensive research by neuroscientists.
Marriage problems, tensions in the relationship with parents or children, professional difficulties, intense emotional stress during childhood concerning either loss of a parent (due to divorce or death) or physical/sexual abuse, are met more often in the cases of patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
This syndrome consists one of the few disorders in relation to which western medicine undoubtedly recognizes the serious implication of the stress factor. The field of stress is exactly that on which Homeopathy can act, aiming at the equilibration of intense reactions of the organism towards stress inducing stimuli. That is achieved by the use of homeopathic remedies of natural origin, in the framework of an individualized treatment, defined with relation to the patient’s constitution, the elaborated specific irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, as well the factors which may affect them. Certainly, in all cases of digestive system disorders, in parallel to the homeopathic remedies, the respective dietary advice is also provided.
Here under I am expounding a respective case from my clinical records.
It was a 45-year-old lady, which had been diagnosed with the irritable bowel symptoms five years ago. Through avoidance of certain foods which she had noticed to be aggravating her symptoms, she had managed to achieve some kind of intestinal balance. However, during the previous six months her symptoms had severely aggravated due to financial concerns. The patient had an average diarrhea of 5-6 times a day, had lost a lot of weight and there was no kind of food that did not irritate her bowel. After taking the complete history, during which the point in time when the outbreak took place was defined, as well the exact symptoms, the personality and the character of the patient, the appropriate homeopathic remedy was prescribed. Following commencement of the treatment the number of diarrheic bowel evacuations decreased and in the course of time her feces regained their normal constitution. The patient also noticed an amelioration of her psychological state. That is exactly the special contribution of Homeopathy to the therapeutic field; meaning the fact that it acts in a balancing way regarding both the body as well as the soul and sentiment of a person.
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